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Que 1: What is Sikhwal Matrimonial ?
Sikhwal Matrimonial is started in 2007 to help sikhwal families who are looking for suitable matches for their young children in Sikhwal Samaj only..This platform is dedicated for Sikhwal community only
Que 2: How to register profile or bio data in it ?

You can submit your bio-data by click here

Que 3: How can we contact other members over platform ?

You need to pay fee to upgrade your profile as Premium to Sikhwal Matrimonial to open contact information. You can find more detail on membership page inside your account. In case you face any problem, you can contact us on following mobile numbers: +91- 8209377836 | 8619501973.

Que 4: Can I hide my biodata and see contact details of other members ?

Yes, You can !!
In Case you do not want to show profile on our website but interested in database. You will find option to hide profile for Premium members.

Que 5: Can Premium member see both members (Bride & Groom) contact detail ?

our profile activate for only your suitable matches not for all members hence you can only search contact detail of bride if your profile is a male profile.

Que 6: Premium member can see contact detail as ?

Contact detail provided by site member like:- Member Name, Father Name, Address & City, Phone Numbers, Email ...etc.

Que 7: Is this premium membership amount refundable in future?

In any case you are not suppose to ask us for money because this is a donation towards improvement and future development of this Sikhwal Samaj website.

Que 8: How could you assure about reliability of Profiles in Sikhwal Matrimonial ?

These profiles are uploaded by users hence we are not responsible for any kind of information disply in website i.e. user posted about income, education, property, job or family. Both families / bride or groom are responsible for their marriage decision for their future.

Que 9: Can Sikhwal Matrimonial resolve our marriage dispute, and help us?


Que 10: What is 2nd inning section?

2nd inning is a Sikhwal Ads portal section where users post their matrimonial ads for re-marriage in case of widow marriage, divorced marriage and in late marriage candidates cases.